Here are my 2008 favorites...
- the sad start that January 1, 2008 brought to my family (in crisis we always grow stronger)
FINALLY getting Tessa home with the family
- football watching with Lauren while our parents sailed to The Blues
- the day on the lake honoring Larry (even if it was bittersweet)
- Peyton's first birthday party
- March Maddness with the family & my Mom turning
50 on Easter
Ray-Ray with Jes in Vegas & the roadtrip home
- being in school despite the challenge
- watching Interventions with Kendra (that she tivo-ed & saved for me) in pj's together
- hearing "
YaYa" for the first of MANY times
- learning a new Kertson was on the way (I was scared at first for Kendra - admit it!)
- GGW 2008 in Napa Valley (good work K!)
- the time spent in Monterey with Peyton while Brandon & Kendra interviewed in Santa Cruz
- reading the text from Kendra
"We got the job!"- having a bestie so close now!
- the trips Jes made north to come see me
- helping Kendra get unpacked in their new home together
- phone dates with Kendra
- the not one but
2 Raiders games I got to attend
- Girls weekend in Santa Cruz for my birthday
- Thanksgiving weekend as always!
- singing again
- S.F. bus trip with my family & friends
- straight A's baby!
Christmas in Belize!I know the moment I post this I will think of a dozen more but these are the ones that came to mind first. It was an amazing year filled with love and laughter. Living at home again turned out to be not so bad. I love my family, The Girls, and life more and more with every passing day and I am one
VERY blessed girl to have the life and year I do and did!