July 19, 2009

Lock of Love

For almost 3 years I have been growing out my hair to donate it to Locks of Love . They are a wonderful organization that takes donated hair and makes wigs for sick children who have lost their hair from some type of a disease and cannot afford to buy a wig. A few years ago my Dad donated 21 inches to them and I was inspired to do it also. It has been a very long road as I needed a full 10 inches to donate my hair and it was only at about my chin when I decided to grow it out. When I decided to grow it out I told Kendra and Jes not to let me cut my hair, no matter what I said and they held me to it! If they had not held me to it I would have cut my hair last summer and about a dozen times after that. It was fitting that when the time came to actually cut my hair Kendra not only came with me but took pictures for the blog! Here they are! I am happily enjoying my short hair now, especially on days like today when it is 108 degrees in this valley!


This moment was a little scary!

Some kid gets a wig! That made it all worth it!

Now onto some cute hair!

The end result!


Jessika Wilson said...

You look fabulous with short hair, and all for a great cause!

Brandon and Kendra Kertson said...

cute new blog background. And so proud of you! :)