October 27, 2008

November 5th!

I know I am a Poli-Sci major and all but I can't wait for November 5th!!!

Things I will not have to deal with after November 5th:

1. Watching TV without ads for Prop 2 or 10
2. Driving down streets with lawns decorated with leaves not signs
3. Having every conversation be about politics
4. The news being about campaign updates not news
5. "Who are you voting for?" being asked 20 times a day

Things I will have to deal with starting on November 5th:

1. "Who did you vote for?" being asked for weeks
2. "Well ___________ is not my President!"
3. The potential for the vote counting to go on till Thanksgiving
4. The political spin that will start immediately
5. The joy of starting all over again in about a year at the rate we are going!

Don't get me wrong I am all about the process. I love it! I find it interesting, exciting and over all amazing but even I am over it now! This election has been going on FOREVER! The Democrats started a full year early this time around and I feel like someone should have been giving their first State of the Union by now. The ads, speeches, he said / she said is all just driving me crazy at this point! I want peace and quiet and maybe even a new major. Okay, that last one was too dramatic even for me but I felt it would get my frustration across. I am just saying... I have been ready to vote for months, let's just get this show on the road already and move on!!


Christian Holm said...

"3. The potential for the vote counting to go on till Thanksgiving"

Oh GOD I hope not... :D

I'll just say when someone asks me who I voted for: "The one you hate, just to spite you!"

Brandon and Kendra Kertson said...

amen sister...can we all just get a long! :)