Sunday I was at the Raiders game with my Dad and some friends and it was a blast! Not only did our boys WIN, I met a new friend (we bonded over mimosas), there was a semi shady (aka authentic) Mexican food stop, and just an over all stellar day! I was very proud of the Radiers for pulling out the win. In a moment of fear I may have sold my lasting affection for Sebastian Janikowski for a 57 yard field goal. The thing is, I have never really been a fan of his. I get that he is a great kicker but for some reason I am always watching when he misses and so I have a built up overall suspicion of his ability. My Dad would say it is unfounded but I think while he is great, sometimes he has a problem working it out. So, after he missed a kick earlier in the game (see what I mean) I was really concerned that he would miss again and then we would be giving an experienced QB a shot with enough time to do some damage or at least end in a tie. I in a moment of fear I promised him my lasting affection if he would just make it…alas…I may be forced to get his jersey! Ugh! This will not be my favorite thing and could have been avoided had we just got a first down at the end there. Oh well, the important thing is….we got the W!! I get to go to another game next month with the whole family which will be great and we are playing KC who we can clearly beat so it should be another stellar day! I can’t wait!!!

The spot where I sold my lasting affection!

Who gave me a camera phone and mimosas?
well I guess I am happy for you that they won while you were at the game. that is fun. Don't get used to it!!! (ha ha listen to me acting like I care)
Enjoy it while you can. Soon the Raiders will back to their losing ways
Indeed... in the extreme east bay I've heard the tern "Oakland Lamers" more than once... they only win if I don't catch the game :(
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