April 14, 2009

"Blah" Days

I have had a pretty "blah" day today. All day I have been feeling a bit down, just an over all sense of "blah". Nothing is wrong, no horrible thing dragging me down in life. I have just felt off all day. This morning after I got up I checked my calender and saw that not only was nothing due or schedule for today, there is really nothing of importance this week or even the next. It looked more than a little empty. The day got less exciting from there. With the busy life that I led I am usually overwhelmed with joy to have a few free days, I still have school and work but nothing big is due or planned and that normally brings me joy...not today. Then you add in that my parents left for a few days at the boat to that and you have a "blah" Sarah. (Don't worry this post is not as much of a downer as it is currently seeming!) My friend Jes called today after work and we talked about our days and it was even "blah". She told me her complaints and I shared mine and then we hung up. I sat there thinking that my day seemed less than joyful and asked God to perk it up for me. I am pretty happy, and fun person so these sort of days really throw me. I made dinner (blah), watched some TV (a little less blah) and then I checked my various online sites while deciding if I was ready to consider the day a loss and go to bed. Enter the awesome God I serve!! I had a funny little comment from Jes on facebook that got a smile and giggle out of me and then an e-mail that she had a new blog. I decided to check it before bed and wow did my God show up! Jes' blog was all about surviving. She has given up a lot to follow her dreams recently and she is praising God through all the storms (literal and figurative) that she is facing. Her blog reminded me that everyone has struggles and "blah" days but that if we keep our focus on God and the path and blessings He has for us we can make it through all those things. Yes it was a less than amazing day, but, there is nothing wrong. I serve a God who is much bigger than a "blah" day!

Thank you God for my life and the opportunity to even be here to experience the "blah" days!


jes said...

I knew I needed to post that for a reason! My day was not blah, it was tearful and stressful and dramatic, and yes, I am learning now more than ever to Praise God in those moments. Not just to say, oh whoa is me Lord...but you are still good, but to really praise him! Because what does my situation ever have to do with who he is and remains to be! He is still majestic and sovereign. He is still my healer, deliver, shelter, refuge. He is still my portion! I only need Him and to love Him. Blah days will come and go. We have them, we are human. Thankfully he is not HUMAN! right?? I'm glad that my words found there way to you and were able to uplift you, as yours so often do for me. i love you! Have an exciting day tomorrow! Wake up and remember the exciting God you serve!

Brandon and Kendra Kertson said...

I love you guys!